build your
on the web

Our names are Yeeun and Chaerin, and we are web developers in training. We created Webitat to help the helpers in our community.

01We help the helpers

We are an independent volunteer organization that launched in 2021. We noticed that many small nonprofit organizations in our community had websites that could not deliver their messages and projects to their actual intent, and decided to start this organization to help them spread their word more effectively.

These projects are also a way for us to continue learning about frontend and backend development.

It’s been a huge privilege and joy working with these small organizations, and we’re looking forward to continue our journey!




03Example project

We worked with SPIN cat shelter on their website! SPIN is a nonprofit cat shelter in Natick, Massachusetts!



04Contact us!

We are currently open to taking projects! Please email us with any questions, and we'd be happy to help you :)